Saturday, August 22, 2020

Strawacademy 4th Anniversary Welcome Address by the DO

Event Marking the 4th Anniversary Strawacademy
Thank you to every Organization and everyone who supporting us through these past 4 years... Thank you to Sir Abba Abdouramann, the Divisional Officer for Fako for opening and leading this event to the end, and thank you for your partnership and financial support of our 2020 projects.
Congratulations to Wisdom for Dominion and Kisife Ltd for receiving the Strawacademy Excellence in Youth Entrepreneurship Award (SEYE Award)
Thank you to His Excellency Ibrahim Bashir and the entire staff of the Nigerian Consulate for your moral and financial support during the event. Thank you to the staff of CRTV Radio for participating and covering the event.
Thank you as well to Dr Mrs Titanji, Mrs Nicole Yanou, Mr Bochom Samuel and Miss Doris Ngum for your incredible moral and financial support during the event. Thank you to Bukonge Terrence for gracing the event with great music and Mac Alunge for Spoken Word
Thank you to the staff of CHRDA, She Skill'd, Wisdom for Dominion, Zoe Communications, Capitol Hotel, Digital Renter, Ecoman, Cliq Empire and LDTV for your incredible support...
Our projects for the year have officially commenced, so please check our #SAc2020Manual on our website and find opportunities for us to collaborate with your organization...